Monday, March 1, 2010

I need your help.

Tall Wishes
Fort Wayne, IN
Tall Wishes

The last couple of weeks I've been thinking about a new series I want to do, and with spring just around the corner (hopefully!) I want to get started and have it mostly done before I go back to school in Idaho.

But I need your help!
I like to do some field research before I start a project.
If you could answer some/all of these questions (and get other people to answer them too!), it would help me out a lot. The views and opinions of others are always inspiring and thought provoking.

{d a y d r e a m s}
Where do you daydream?
What do you daydream about?
When I say "daydream" what do you think?
Do you know of any images/songs/books/poems/websites that
are daydreamy that I could use for inspiration?
Any other thoughts on daydreams?

Thank you!


  1. My room mostly but also when I'm supposed to be paying attention to other things like school or church.

    My future mostly. This includes art, travel and love.

    Wishing, hoping, thinking.

    Fleet Foxes are kind of day dreamy. So is Kerouac (his recordings especially). Also, 1960's pop art/music, Dali and Fragonard.

    It can be distracting.

  2. I daydream pretty much everywhere

    I daydream about cities and places, people, past things, future things and how I want to be someday.

    Wishful thinking

    Pictures of cities, All The Day Holiday, City And Colour, pretty anything kind of slow and acoustic will get me dreaming.

    Daydreaming is a good way to kill an afternoon.

  3. I daydream everywhere really. work, class, when I'm driving, those quiet moments I have to myself,etc...

    mostly my future. what I'll do, where I'll be, who I'll be with. I also daydream of places I've been, people I miss, people I wish I knew. my dreams and aspirations for life.

    wishing, hoping, thinking. those moments when nothing else around you is noticed or matters because you are so in tune with your own thoughts that you float away.

    I think Bon Iver is dreamy,60's style pop (like the Mama's and the Papa's, or even She & Him) , Fleet Foxes,, books by F. Scott Fitzgerald and J.D Salinger and their own kind of dreamy. even your own dreams could be inspiration

    Dreaming is nice. it let's you escape.

  4. Where do you daydream?

    Anywhere that's quiet enough for my mind to wander freely... my room, the dining room, the bus, the metro, the airplane... you get the drift, I hope.

    What do you daydream about?

    Things that have intrigued me, things that upset me, and things that mainly I want to write about...

    When I say "daydream" what do you think?

    Lucid, carefree thinking where the mind is free to choose it's own path.

    Do you know of any images/songs/books/poems/websites that
    are daydreamy that I could use for inspiration?

    Literature - Kafka, Art - Dali, Films - Jarmusch. Apart from them, you can look at artists who have worked on surrealism and absurdism in some form or the other.

    Any other thoughts on daydreams?

    It's one of the most important ingredients in any form of art; for me, writing.

  5. My room or the livingroom.
    The future, baby being older, having a house and a Career, marriage stuff;)
    Daydreaming to me is thinking of the future, or desires you want.
    As for books, I've got nothing.

  6. Where do you daydream?
    Usually at my desk, or in the car when I am driving/being driven.

    What do you daydream about?
    If there is a cute boy in front of me, then all the witty things I could be saying. If not, I usually daydream about what I need to be doing.

    When I say "daydream" what do you think?
    I think of a person dozing off caught in "la la land" in a sort of nice daze.

    Do you know of any images/songs/books/poems/websites that are day-dreamy that I could use for inspiration?
    The band Air is day-dreamy to me, especially the album Talkie Walkie.

    Any other thoughts on daydreams?
    I think of out of focus images, pastel colors, unicorns and other non existent animals.

  7. Where do you daydream?
    I day dream everywhere, In class, in the shower, in bed before I fall asleep, walking...

    What do you daydream about?
    I daydream about the direction my life is going and the person I hope to be someday. I day dream about the things I will do for the world and the changes I will be able to make. I day dream about dancing in crowded dance halls but the only person I see is the person I am there with. I day dream about bar-b-ques with friends I am so comfortable with they will feed my chips if i am cold and wrapped in a blanket. I daydream about music and traveling and love. When I day dream I can se how they are all really just the same things spread out a little bit. I day dream about the kind of mother I want to be and the kids I will raise. I quess I daydream about the legacy i m part of and the legacy I hope to leave.

    When I say "daydream" what do you think?
    -reaching my potential

    Do you know of any images/songs/books/poems/websites that
    are daydreamy that I could use for inspiration?
    -the perks of being a wall flower

    Any other thoughts on daydreams?
    To be a dreamer means that the line between awake and asleep is blurred. Someone who is a dreamer doesn't let the fact that they are no longer asleep hinder their possibilities, passions, or determination in reaching goals.
