Friday, January 29, 2010

Summer Skin
Arcola, IN/Long Beach Island, NJ
Summer Skin

White on white assignment in high school.

I was inspired to post this image after seeing my friend Tori's new Facebook profile pic taken by Kristen Thorne.
Painting yourself is really fun. But getting it off can be a pain. The paint clogs the drain and I wouldn't advise putting it in your hair. Anything for art, right?
A girl in my high school photo class also painted somebody for this white on white assignment and I think she was upset that I painted myself too. I talked to my teacher about it and she said, "Well, just do it better than her."
Kristen did a fly job. Be sure to look at her blog. And check out Tori! She's a super photographer, too.


  1. I've always been a fan of your white on white.

  2. One time i painted myself into a statue. It was cool, i was like marble color, and had vines around me. It was like the first time I painted my own face for drama class.

  3. thanks for the shout out. i miss you.
