Saturday, July 9, 2011

My younger brother Jason is
a three time gold medal winning bowler, abstract painter, 
heart breaker, pro spin jumper, avid potato chip eater, 
lover of hats, comedian, farm animal enthusiast,
nonverbal, and has autism.

I have learned so much from Jason.
He has taught me about humility and service.
He has taught me about patience and unconditional love.
He has taught me about gratitude and happiness.
I have also learned that people don't always treat Jason 
like the amazing person that he is.

While we are making great strides
in efforts to treat those of varied races and lifestyle 
choices with respect, there is a lot of prejudice and
ignorance against people with mental, developmental,
and emotional disorders and disabilities.
I do not think this is okay.
People are naturally afraid of what they do not know,
but I do not think that ignorance
is a good excuse.

These collages of my photographs and Jason's paintings 
are an attempt to show how he sees the world.
His paintings are really his only commentary on what is
happening around him.
His perspective of the world is different,
but not less.

We are all different, but not less.

 Captions can be found on my website.
A book of this series can be ordered here.