Monday, May 3, 2010

Rexburg, ID

Where has all my inspiration gone?
Because I have no idea.
We've only had two assignments so far in digital photography and I'm not proud of either. I have no ideas floating around in my head (except the daydreamer series which I still need to think out some more).
I feel like maybe I need to do something really experimental and CrAZy to get back into the groove. Something that isn't really my style but will help me move in a good direction and is fun.
Also I'm in Printmaking II this semester and it very well may be sucking up all of creative Kool-Aid. I'm drawing things from my imagination which is something I don't usually do. My friend Brady Smith who is an amazing artist is in my class and I feel like I should do things at least half as good as his stuff.
I'm a big supporter of friendly competition amongst art students.
Every photo class I pick someone to be my competition. Sometimes I don't feel like there is anyone that could be my competition style wise (not because I'm super good...just because our styles differ), but there's usually always someone I can compete against in technicalities.
I think BYU-Idaho photo students could benefit a lot if there was more friendly competition among the students.

Any suggestions on getting inspired?

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